How to SUM-Enable different Application Servers
Different applications servers use different parameters in their startup scripts to address JVM. Examples:
JAVA_OPTS, JAVA_OPTIONS, jvm_args or jvm-options
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You would know that JVM is picking up your -javaagent parameter correctly when your Race Catcher Workstation displays the project you run.
Of course, make sure that the classes you are interested in are not filtered out (Menu -> Run -> Next Run Filters)
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To enable Race Catcher agent you would add a -javaagent parameter as follows:
JBoss and Tomcat use JAVA_OPTS:
JAVA_OPTS=-javaagent:path to RaceCatcher/lib/RaceCatcher.jar
WebLogic and Jetty uses JAVA_OPTIONS:
JAVA_OPTIONS=-javaagent:path to RaceCatcher/lib/RaceCatcher.jar
Resin uses jvm_args
jvm_args=-javaagent:path to RaceCatcher/lib/RaceCatcher.jar